The BSA Awards go live on Monday, 17th May, REPA are the coffee specialists, EVOCA talk modern grinders, BWT UK Ltd advise on ‘not taking the risk’. Plus lots More
Contact us
If you have enjoyed Something’s Brewing May 2021 contact our editor Amy who is always looking for articles and advertising for forthcoming editions of the magazine and you can contact her at
In the June edition we will be tackling the tricky subject of Sustainability; therefore, do ensure that you send Amy your stories and views on this wide-ranging subject.
Developing the Association
Our Chairman and Executive Committee are proud of what we have achieved over the last eleven months and we are going to be launching further initiatives in 2021. If you have suggestions or ideas to grow the Association please contact Steve Slark at
Join us
As an industry we are stronger together and if you are ready to join us please complete the membership application form for your sector of the industry here.