Something’s Brewing Magazine August 2020

Something's Brewing August 2020

Something's Brewing August 2020

T R A D E  N E W S , I N S I G H T  A N D  C O M M E N T

F R O M  T H E  B E V E R A G E  S T A N D A R D S  A S S O C I A T I O N

Some words from the Steve Slark, The BSA Chairman on Something’s Brewing August 2020 Magazine

”I was delighted to receive positive feedback from the trade on the launch of our first edition of the magazine in August. Firstly, producing a quality magazine involves a lot of people. Therefore, we value your contributions and please send them to our editor – Amy Cutter – at

Our membership continues to increase. Our members are from a wide range of businesses; so, if you are looking for an independent coffee shop to visit or a supplier to provide a specific product our membership list will provide the information.

Please do let us know any email addresses that would like to receive the Something’s Brewing Magazine. Furthermore, do let me know if there is anything specific you would like to read in a future edition of Something’s Brewing”.

Stories inside the August 2020 issue

Trade News

UK Coffee Week is a week-long campaign for Project Waterfall – our charity bringing clean water, education and sanitation to coffee-growing communities. From 19 – 25 October 2020 you could make a donation from every coffee or kilo served, run a raffle, or host an online competition. Read how you can be involved.

WaterCare’s New iX Filter

What is WaterCare’s iX Filter? iX Water filters are the first truly eco-friendly, 100% recyclable cartridge filter in the market, offering Insert Refill Technology. This provides a genuinely sustainable and cost effective alternative to mainstream cartridge water filters. Therfore, they can be used on coffee machines, water coolers, ice machines, vending machines, and catering applications. The iX range offers a comprehensive product in a cost effective, efficient, flexible, and stylish package. To celebrate the new iX Water filter launch, WaterCare are offering a free* iX01 filter of your choice for your hot or cold drinks application. See full details here.

Something's Brewing August 2020

Curious About the Bean Club

In August, Lou Webster relaunched her brand, starting with a new look website, new logo and new digital content. Lou appreciates how difficult times are right now for Hospitality businesses. So, they have launched the rebrand with an in depth look at key areas for cafes to address right now. This can help to ensure financial stability.

We have identified three key areas where The Coffee Consultancy can support individuals or businesses to improve their coffee standards and increase profits, whether they are

  • Starting Out,
  • Scaling Up or
  • Going Untapped.

Alongside this rebrand, Lou has also launched a sister company, The Curious Bear Club. This company was created as a direct response to the Covid-19 Lockdown and she is very excited to share this with you all.

How Water Filtration can help Cafes save money

It’s no secret that the UK is a nation of coffee lovers. Consumers’ expectations on taste, quality and presentation are higher than ever before; therefore, making for fierce competition on the high street. With water making up to 98% of a cup of tea or coffee, it’s no surprise that it plays a huge role with respect to the taste of the final drink.

Using a water filter on beverage equipment enhances the water quality in hot drinks by removing unwanted particles, metals, minerals and chlorine. These will negatively affect the taste, appearance and aroma of tea and coffee. This includes the elimination of limescale, which can form an unsightly residue in the drink.

For further information and to find out how BRITA Managed Services can help you save money and improve your sustainability, please contact: 01869 369851.

Do enjoy this edition of the Something’s Brewing August 2020 Magazine.

Something's Brewing August 2020