Marketing and PR Playbook (100 days)


Welcome to the Marketing and PR Playbook for Pubs, Bars, Restaurants, Cafes, QSRs, Takeaways and more. This is your guide on how to best relaunch your business post lockdown from a brand, marketing, PR, digital and social point of view.

Start your odyssey by listening to the Lockdown Coffee (Episode 10) which will introduce you to the wealth of experience that is behind the production of this Marketing and PR Playbook. And, it is FREE.

Goals to help you stay focused

A good way to approach this is not to overwhelm yourself. Focus on the following.

  • Inform and reassure: Tell people the steps you have taken for safety
  • Win people back: Reach those who have visited in the last year
  • 3x in a short space of time: Bring them back regularly to build up brand loyalty
  • Higher spend per visit: Without being grabby or greedy
  • Bring 1 new person: Encourage word of mouth and social sharing
  • Find new customers: Use what you know to find the right audience.

Ensure you read the Associations  Suppliers Guide

What the 100 Day Playbook will answer
  1. Looking to health check your brand and ensure it is fit for business
  2. Working on how you can ensure you fill your capacity if phased opening happens
  3. Maximising your delivery, takeaway and product demand
  4. How you can ensure you fill your capacity when full opening happens.

So, step straight in to the Marketing and PR Playbook.

Marketing and PR Playbook