Hospitality – Opening on the 4th July

Hospitality - Opening on the 4th July

Guidance (Hospitality – Opening on the 4th July) for people who work in hotels and guest accommodation, indoor and outdoor attractions, and business events and consumer shows.

This guidance (Hospitality – Opening on the 4th July) is designed to be relevant for people who work within the visitor economy; for example people who operate or run hotels and other types of accommodation (there is also a separate hotels and other guest accommodation guidance, indoor and outdoor visitor attractions guidance, and guidance for people who run or manage spaces for business or leisure events and conferences. There is also a separate guidance document on pubs and restaurants for food settings which has been updated on the 23rd June 2020 in readiness for opening on the 4th July. You can download the document here.

The guidance is split into specific areas including
  • Introduction
  • How to use the Guidance
  • What does the Government mean by ‘The Visitor Economy’
  • Thinking about Risk and acting upon it
  • Managing customers, visitors and contractors
  • Who should go to work
  • Social distancing for workers
  • Cleaning the workplace
  • Personal protective Equipment (PPE) and face coverings
  • Workforce Management
  • Inbound and Outbound goods.
Where to obtain further guidance (Hospitality – The Visitor Economy)

Hotels and other guest accommodation

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